The SAMA Medical Student Bursaries

The SA Medication Association is offering two medical education bursaries per annum which is intended to support South African citizens who live in South Africa and attending medical school in South Africa. The bursaries will only be used to fund study in the medical field i.e. pre-graduate studies towards a MBChB or equivalent degree.

Eligibility Criteria:

Selection Criteria:

Applications are assessed based on potential and academic performance: From the eligible applicants, two new students each year will be approved according to their ability to meet the following selection criteria:

Method of payment:

Applications are only accepted between 1 August and 30 September each year.

Completed applications must be in English and must be received before or on 30 September of the relevant year.

Applications must include:

The SAMA Medical Education Bursary Committee
P O Box 74789
Lynnwood Ridge
Contact: 012- 481 2097

Download the Application form

For more information on this Medical Bursary, click here